Monarch butterflies are under attack from wasps, which eat the tiny eggs. To help save the Monarchs, we are encouraged to put the eggs, and caterpillars if we can find them, into cages where they can safely grow, form their chrysalis and hatch. I released 18 Monarchs recently and am searching for more caterpillars for the next "crop."
I share your enthusiasm and have highest regard for these amazing creatures! How good of you to do something so kind!
Wow 18 butterflies! Great job, you are my hero Kathryn! I hope the cages are holding together, if not, let the craftsman know he'll need to do a better job next time!
Jmaes and Cord:
I just discovered the comment feature!
Cord--the cages are wonderful and are still in use. One was born today but it will have to hang around in the cage until this storm blows through. We're short of caterpillars again, which is sad. I've only got this month to hatch more until next spring because the successful birth rate drops off in late fall and winter. Dad saw one born and released while he was here. I'll add a photo.
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