Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Major's Third Birthday

Bob and Ann Fiegel brought over a wonderful curry dinner for Major's third birthday. We had the curry; Major had chicken livers. Bob made Major a bunny out of Major's favorite toys--old socks. Major had a great time opening his beautifully wrapped present, eating the box and then playing with his new bunny. If only I could get him to chase the real bunnies that are eating my gardens! A great party.

What's this Bob?

I think this means the present really is for me!

It's mine--all mine--and I am going to open it!
I really like eating the box!

Major and "bunny"--at last!

1 comment:

marcia said...


if you get this soon i would love to talk to you. or anytime you get it! buffalo is a long way away from you but this blog is the first chance i have found to connect with you. think of you often and look forward to connecting.
Marcia Brubaker